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Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Recipe Corner - Tabouli


1 cup bulgur wheat
1 cup boiling water
olive oil
3 cloves garlic
1/2 bunch parsley
handful of fresh mint
1 cucumber
1 large tomato, or 2 medium ones
juice of 1 lemon
more olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Toast bulgur in enough olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan. It'll start to become fragrant after a couple of minutes, so go ahead and add the water. Cover the pan with a lid, turn off the heat under it, and let steam for 20 minutes.

While the bulgur is contemplating it's future as a tasty foodstuff, chop remaining ingredients. When bulgur has absorbed all the water, add garlic, olive oil and lemon juice to it. Cover and let sit for a few minutes, until it has cooled off a bit. Add parsley, mint, and cucumber, and then put in the fridge to let it cool until you're ready to eat it.

Upon removing the tabouli from the fridge, add tomatoes and adjust seasonings. Eat.

From tofunutloaf.

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