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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sunday Supplement - On Location with Our Next Tuesday Tinker

Tofunutloaf, who lives in Urbana, Illinois, might be best known to us all for creating her super creative and potentially world dominating, cute poly clay robots, but Tofu beats the summer heat by making paper in her basement! 

Basement set-up, complete with new crappy blender!

"As you can see, we have kind of a functional basement. It has a low ceiling, is unheated, and floods easily, so we don't spend much time in it. It's the coolest part of the house in the summer, and making paper gives me an excuse to hang out down there, so I tend to restrict my paper making activities to heatwaves, says Tofu.

The heat hasn't been Tofu's only challenge this summer.  "My old crappy blender decided to stop working altogether, so I put it out on Facebook that I needed a new crappy blender for making paper. One of my friends had one, so I picked it up the next day and finished my paper batch. I now know the true value of FB: finding used crap in a hurry."

Old crappy blender - Tofu pushing the button to no avail!
Stop by Tofunutloaf's Etsy shop and stay tuned to see the results of all this summertime paper making.  In the meantime, you might find a new robot friend to spend the summer with!

1 comment:

Kristi Smart Romantic Fantasy Coats and Clothing. said...

That brings back childhood memories. My mothers art studio is in the basement. Thats where my parents hid the Pogo Possum books. They were hidden so my sister and I wouldnt pick up bad grammer, dag nab it! But the summer days were spent in the basement digging through the box of Walt Kelly writings like they were porn. So my sister and I still refer to Ever Lovin Blunked out eyeballs.